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Steve Jobs – The Importance of a Great Customer Experience

Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.

Steve Jobs believed you shouldn’t wait for your customers to tell you what they want or what would make them happy. Focus groups were believed to be unreliable. This business philosophy is still true in most industries today. Many times, consumers don’t know what they want until they see or experience it. The questions leaders are constantly asking is “What do we need to do to continue giving consumers the best experience?”

Following these 3 insights from Steve Jobs will help your personnel and leadership deliver the ultimate experience to your consumers by coloring outside the lines:

1. Start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology.

Wow them. Treat your consumers like family. From the moment they find you, every contact should be personal as if they are your only priority. Customers and potential customers want to reach you without jumping through hoops. Technology is great, but don’t make it too complicated for consumers to communicate with you. Always respond in a timely manner.

2. Customers don’t measure you on how hard you tried. They measure you on what you deliver.

Walk in your customers shoes. Does my product or service do what it says it’s going to do? Is my product or service user friendly? The only way to answer those questions honestly is by placing yourself in the customer’s shoes and testing your product or service from their perspective. Make sure your company is delivering on its promise. The worst mistakes businesses can make with consumers is overcomplicating, overpromising and under delivering.

3. The customer is the final inspector.

Leave them speechless. Businesses should be on high alert. Consumers and personnel can instantly share their thoughts and experiences on social media. Everyone realizes mistakes and glitches happen so fix it quickly. The consumer should never feel like it’s their fault or they are troubling you. Remember without consumers, you have no business.

Everyone in your organization is essential in giving customers the ultimate experience. Consumers want products or services that meet their needs, are easy to use, and have readily accessible support when necessary. Take pride in what you have to offer consumers and always honor your word.

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