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Stopping the Cycle of Brand Misconceptions by Employees

Don’t sell products, services, or jobs, sell dreams & a vision – Steve Jobs

As the years have passed, a growing disconnect has occurred between organizational leadership and employees. Steve Jobs believed a successful business needed to have engaged employees and consumers. Achieve engagement by ensuring employees and consumers understand and believe in the organizations mission, vision, values and brand promise.

A 2017 Gallup Poll shows 41% of employees cannot differentiate a company’s brand from competitors. What does this mean? It means employees could not articulate to anyone including customers the organizations brand promise. Here are 3 ways to measure employee brand promise comprehension:

1. Check in with employees. Use technology, workshops or face-to-face conversations to check in with employees. Ask specific questions, role play and give employees the opportunity to articulate their perception of the brand promise in their own words.

2. Mystery Shoppers. The best way to determine if employees at all levels are sharing the brand promise to customers with their actions, body language and words. Organizations also benefit by getting unbiased feedback from customers.

3. Customer Satisfaction. Employees have proven they understand the brand promise, but are they embodying it? Do customers feel the organization is living up to its promises? Measuring and tracking customer complaints, resolutions, and overall satisfaction help companies live up to their promises.

Lack of engagement by employees and customers will eviscerate an organization. Remove the disconnect from organizational leadership, management and employees. Let me help you color outside the lines and end brand promise misconceptions.

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